Head Office (Istanbul)
Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Nakiye Elgün Sokak No: 31/B ŞİŞLİ/ ISTANBUL Postal Code: 34380
This Information pertains to Company employees.
2.General Information About the Law
The Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) was enacted on March 24, 2016, and published in the Official Gazette No. 9677 dated April 7, 2016. The Law aims to regulate the principles and procedures to be followed by real and legal persons who process personal data to protect individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms, primarily the privacy of private life, in the collection, processing, and storage of personal data.
3.Data Controller
As ÖZEL TEKSTİL (“COMPANY”), we will use your personal data in compliance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.
4.The Purpose of Processing Personal Data
The personal data mentioned below can be processed by our company for the following purposes and legal reasons: fulfilling the requirements stipulated in employment contracts, maintaining personnel records, tracking and authorizing paid/unpaid/leave requests, viewing balance leave, managing leave arrangements, creating attendance and payroll records, making salary payments, ensuring compliance with the Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Social Security Law, and relevant regulations, as well as other legal obligations and notifications to the Social Security Institution, Turkish Employment Agency, and law enforcement agencies, opening mandatory private pension insurance accounts, ensuring workplace safety, fulfilling obligations arising from legislation and contracts to customers served by our company, making payments related to wage garnishments based on instructions from enforcement offices, reporting legal obligations in the event of a work-related accident, performing occupational health and safety procedures, fulfilling decisions, requests, and instructions of public institutions and organizations, managing the company, executing business operations, implementing company policies, monitoring and reporting employee performance, processing advances/expenses, creating an employee portal, establishing and maintaining contact and communication, printing business cards, handling the delivery of packages received via courier services to the relevant employees, monitoring the use of company vehicles, organizing transportation and travel, procuring workwear and shoes for employees, providing work email services, using existing systems and software at the company, measuring employee satisfaction, planning and reporting training programs, preparing training certificates, tracking employees who attended training sessions, monitoring the development process of employees following the training they received, establishing communication with relevant individuals in case of emergencies, and sharing contact information with suppliers and employees for communication purposes.
a. As part of the personnel file;
Identity and Contact Information: Name, surname, date of birth, country of birth, city of birth, gender, marital status, Turkish ID card information (ID number, serial number, identity card number, father’s name, mother’s name, place of birth, province, district, neighborhood, volume number, family sequence number, sequence number, household number, page number, registration number, place of issue, issuance reason, date of issue, previous surname), a copy of the identity card (including religion in the old type of identity cards), phone number, home address information, email address, company internal contact information (extension phone number, corporate email address).
Family Information: Marriage certificate, name and surname of spouse and children, Turkish ID number, gender, date of birth, height, weight, occupation, phone number; names, surnames, and phone numbers of close relatives.
Information on Salary and Benefits: Salary and additional income/benefit details, payrolls, entitlements for premiums, premium amounts, file and debt information related to enforcement proceedings, bank account statement, minimum living allowance information, private health insurance amount.
Education Information: Educational status, details of courses and seminars attended, foreign language proficiency, internship status, details of attended training programs, information on training programs, monthly performance evaluation and achievement status, activity and performance information, diploma details, resume, domestic and international training, assignments, audits, etc.
Other Data: Military service postponement, vehicle license plate, copy of vehicle registration, vehicle identification information, location, driver’s license copy, traffic violation inquiry result, name of the private fund, entry date for the private fund, private fund registration number, shoe size, clothing size, height, weight, criminal record.
b. As part of the continuation of the employment contract;
For the purpose of maintaining entrance and exit records, internet access logs, daily break and activity data, ensuring workplace health and safety inspections in workplace entrances, exits, work areas, floor corridors, meeting rooms, and rest areas, establishing workplace order and promoting a harmonious work environment, protecting against potential internal and external hazards, data related to camera recordings, audio recordings, usage of individually assigned and/or company-provided vehicles and fuel, health data, workplace physician records, significant life events affecting marital and family status, and visual data such as photographs of company events (e.g., meals, meetings, etc.) are collected.
c. In the context of the termination of the employment contract;
For the purpose of improving our company’s service quality, ensuring employee satisfaction, identifying any issues within the company, determining the reasons for employee departures, and minimizing employee turnover, surveys and processes conducted during the employee exit procedures, as well as personal data related to departures, will be processed in accordance with the conditions and purposes of personal data processing as specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698.
5.Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data
Your personal data can be submitted personally by you both during the job application and the employment contract, through applications made through customer and prospective customer representatives, contracted websites or our Company’s website, other institutions from which we provide/receive support services, and real and/or business transactions carried out within the scope of any legislation or contract. or legal entities, partners, suppliers or companies we cooperate with, our website and mobile application, call centers, social media accounts, visitor entry-exit and control points at service locations, cameras, alarm systems and other electronic security systems, vehicle tracking systems, In particular, through channels such as cameras, telephones, voice recordings, cookie applications on the website, in the Company’s administrative office and workplaces where services are provided by the Company, verbally, in writing or electronically, or through other channels that may be established/created in the future; It is collected by the COMPANY for the purposes stated above within the framework of legal legislation.
6.To Whom the Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred
Our company processes your collected personal data in order to fulfill the purposes listed above and within the framework of the conditions specified in Articles 8 and 9 of Law No. 6698; To persons or organizations required by the Tax Procedure Law, Labor and Social Security Law and legislation, Court of Accounts, Law on Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime, Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, Turkish Commercial Code, Code of Obligations and other legislation, legally authorized public institutions and organizations. , to the relevant units of the police and gendarmerie, police headquarters, prosecutor’s offices, relevant courts, enforcement offices and other judicial, administrative authorities and legal authorities authorized to request information by law. Service providers that provide the necessary systems to provide our customers, banks, private pension and insurance companies with the necessary information within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law and obtain explicit consent in cases where it is required to be obtained, Insurance companies, occupational health and safety organizations, financial (bank) in order to fulfill our legal obligations. etc.) organizations, catering companies, car rental, airport and similar transfer companies, telephone operators, companies that provide necessary services such as business card printing, companies that host the servers of software used throughout the Company, independent audit firms/authorities, law offices and lawyers authorized on behalf of our Company. , archive companies, data recording media, consultancy companies and private employment offices, workplace physicians with whom we work in order to receive consultancy on the determination and calculation of possible incentives to be given by official institutions, within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of Law No. 6698. can be transferred.
7.Personal Data Owner’s Rights Listed in Article 11 of Law No. 6698
As personal data owners, if you submit your requests regarding your rights through the methods set out below, the COMPANY will finalize the request as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. No fee will be charged for the answer given up to ten pages. A processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira will be charged for each page over ten pages. If the answer to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or external memory, the fee that may be requested by our company will not exceed the cost of the recording medium. In this context, personal data owners;
Learning whether personal data is processed or not,
Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring processing no longer exist, even though it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws, and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
Objecting to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to the individual by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems,
In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, they have the right to demand compensation for the damage.
You can submit your request regarding the exercise of your above-mentioned rights in accordance with the 1st paragraph of Article 13 of Law No. 6698 and Article 10.03 of Law No. 30356. In accordance with the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller dated 018, you can send it in Turkish and in writing or by using the registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or the e-mail address previously notified to the COMPANY and registered in our system. In applications, information will only be given about the applicant and it will not be possible to obtain information about other family members and third parties. COMPANY reserves the right to verify your identity before responding.
In your application;
For citizens of the Republic of Türkiye, T.R. your identification number, your nationality if you are a foreigner, your passport number or your identification number, if any,
Your residence or workplace address subject to notification,
You can access the application form here. You can send your applications via e-mail to [email protected].
Depending on the nature of your request, information and documents that will allow identification must be provided to us completely and accurately. If the requested information and documents are not provided as required, there may be disruptions in the complete and qualified conduct of the research to be carried out by the COMPANY based on your request. In this case, the COMPANY declares that it reserves its legal rights. Therefore, your application must be sent completely and containing the requested information and documents, depending on the nature of your request.
Özel Tekstil